What does ‘Healthy’ Mean to You?
What does ‘Healthy’ Mean to You?
Do you believe that being healthy solely refers to the foods you choose to eat? I think it encompasses a whole lot more—
1. When you pick up a new food, don’t go straight to the nutrition label, instead look at the ingredient list: can you read all of the names you see? Can you pronounce them? Are there five or less?
2. Our body truly thanks us when we choose real, whole foods straight from the earth.
3. When in doubt, eat the rainbow!
4. How do you fill your own cup? When is the last time you took the time to fill your own cup? The answer may surprise you—make yourself a priority!
5. Move your body everyday—invite a friend to take the yoga class, Bold Cycle ride, walk around town listening to your favorite podcast, challenge yourself in your next workout to push a little harder.
6. Lastly, love your body. Period.
LINDSAY ABLER, Press + Chill Manager