Mind Over Matter

We have all embraced one month of 2021 and although some of us are on track, checking off our goals, and feeling satisfied about life; some of us feel derailed, stuck, and confused on how to make a change. It seems that even though we are attempting to eat healthy and move our bodies, something is missing. The puzzle piece to optimal health is incomplete.

  • Introducing The Law of Attraction – Like attracts like.

“Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it is attracted to you by virtue of the images you are holding in your mind. It is what you are thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.” – “The Living Matrix” documentary by Greg Becker

Maybe you have heard of this belief before in the 2006 book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.  Nevertheless, this simple yet complex belief can bring your self-love and overall health to the next level. As I explain this alternative approach to health and healing, I will assure you that mind, intention, and belief all play an essential role in your healing journey. The body has an unimaginable self-healing capacity, if given half the chance, in the right environment.

“Every thought of yours is a real thing--a force.” – Prentice Melford

How do you make a positive change in your mindset and overall health?

1 – Affirmations: Your thoughts create your body, moment by moment. When we think positive thoughts, we release certain positive chemicals into our body, and vice versa with negative thoughts. Your thoughts directly affect how the cells behave and how nutrition is used.

 “Thoughts become things.” – Bob Proctor

Example: I am healing – I am loving awareness – I am so grateful for everything I have – I am present – I am enough – I am worthy – I am creative – I am capable of anything – I am abundant – I will be okay.

  • No longer think of what you DON’T want to happen in your life and start thinking of what you DO want in your life.

2 – Journal Manifestation: Write down in detail how you want your life to proceed. What do you want your health to look like? What do you want your finances to look like? What do you want your professional life to look like? Be specific. Tell the Universe every single detail that you want to create in your life.

3 – Emotional Diet: When we make an emotional shift, e.g., going from joy to frustration, about 1,400 biochemical changes occur instantly. Our emotions are creating an abundance of changes in our physiology. Be conscious of not only the energy you bring to the room, but also the energy already in the room.

Everything is energy – “There is a way information is transferable that is not accountable. You are able to send information to the body via your thoughts to correct itself.” – “The Living Matrix” Documentary by Greg Becker

4 – Stress Management: People with large amounts of stress are scientifically proven to have diminished immune systems. The stress that people hold in their bodies have patterns, according to how they think.

5 – Placebo EffectBELIEF. The belief that a person has will override their biology. Approximately 1/3 of ALL healing has nothing to do with the process, and everything to do with the placebo effect. The most essential aspect of healing is to believe in the modalities you are using and stay positive. Belief is the body’s strongest medicine.

Rather than being controlled by our genes, our biology is controlled by our minds. You and only you have the option to always change your mind, control your mind. When you change your mind to consistent positive thoughts, you will change your biology, your genes, and your life.

– Kimberly Hoffman, Manager, Press + Chill


Sources: “The Living Matrix” documentary by Greg Becker and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.